
Frequently Asked Questions

An FAQ, short for “Frequently Asked Questions,” is a compilation of common questions and their corresponding answers about a particular topic, product, service, or subject. FAQs are designed to provide quick and convenient information to users, customers, or readers who may have similar inquiries. They are often found on websites, user manuals, product packaging, or other informational materials. By addressing common queries upfront, FAQs aim to save time for both the information seeker and the provider, enhancing user experience and reducing the need for repeated inquiries.

How should my power of attorney be written?2023-08-12T18:19:09+00:00

To get assistance with drafting your power of attorney, you can speak with an estates-focused attorney. Once your power of attorney is written, Notaryspace.ca can assist you with online remote witnessing.

Do I require an execution affidavit?2023-08-12T18:18:38+00:00

Your will is valid without an affidavit of execution because it is not legally required to have one. However, the court will want an affidavit of execution if your will needs to go through probate (the procedure in which the court formally recognizes your will as legally legitimate).

It may be challenging to locate one of the witnesses to sign an affidavit of execution if one is not completed when the will is witnessed, particularly if a lot of time has gone since the will was signed and witnessed. To save you and your loved one’s time, trouble, and stress when your will is most required, we complete an affidavit of execution for every will we remotely witness.

Is a power of attorney really necessary?2023-08-12T18:18:08+00:00

Undoubtedly, everyone needs a power of attorney. It’s the simplest way to guarantee that decisions are made in your best interest and that your wishes for your property and medical care are followed.

Without a power of attorney, your family may find it very difficult to manage your finances and property and to make medical choices on your behalf if you become incapacitated due to illness or accident. To be able to act on your behalf, they might need to get legal counsel or take other legal action. This might get very pricey and complicated.

Do you have the ability to draft my power of attorney?2023-08-12T18:17:45+00:00

No, we are unable to draught powers of attorney at this time. Instead, our services are currently restricted to witnessing wills. To get assistance with drafting your power of attorney, you can speak with an estates-focused attorney. Additionally, you can utilize the free Power of Attorney Kit from the Ministry of the Attorney General.

Once your power of attorney is written, Notaryspace can assist you with online remote witnessing.

How should my power of attorney be signed?2023-08-12T18:17:12+00:00

You must sign your power of attorney in front of two witnesses for it to be enforceable in court. The power of attorney must be signed by the witnesses as well. The witnesses cannot include the attorney, their spouse or partner, your spouse, partner, child, or a person you treat as your kid, a person whose property is subject to guardianship or who has a guardian of the person, a person under the age of 18, or anybody who is under the care of another person.

What is power of attorney?2023-08-12T18:16:47+00:00

A power of attorney is a legal document that gives your “attorney” the authority to make decisions in your place.

If you become mentally incapable of making choices for yourself, a power of attorney for personal care allows your attorney to act on your behalf. When it comes to making decisions about your personal care and health, such as whether to accept or reject specific medical treatments, your attorney steps in as your replacement decision-maker.

With a continuing power of attorney for property, your attorney can take care of your financial issues and can represent you even if you lose your mental capacity. Taking care of your bank accounts, paying your bills and rent on time, and making purchases on your behalf are all included.

Do I need to have my will notarized?2023-08-12T18:16:07+00:00

Wills typically do not need to be notarized, or signed in front of a NotarySpaece and sealed.


The affidavit of execution should be sworn by one of the witnesses in front of a notary or commissioner for taking oaths, though this isn’t always necessary. You can obtain this affidavit for free from the Ontario Court Forms website. It is also known as Ontario Court Form 74.8. This affidavit attests to the fact that the witness witnessed the maker of the will sign it in their presence. The affidavit of execution must be submitted along with the probate application when an executor asks the courts to formally recognize a will (a procedure known as “probate”). While probating a will without an affidavit of execution may be possible, It’ll probably lengthen and complicate the process.

How should I write my will?2023-08-12T18:15:30+00:00

Speaking with a wills or estates lawyer is the most typical technique to draught a legal will once your will has been written, Notaryspace may assist you in having a remote witness sign your will.

How should my will be signed?2023-08-12T18:12:39+00:00

Your will must be signed and witnessed after you’ve finished writing it to make sure it’s legal. Another name for this is “executing your will.” In Ontario, you are required to sign your will in the presence of two witnesses who are not the beneficiary, the beneficiary’s spouse, the executor (the person charged with carrying out your will), or the executor’s spouse. The will must be signed by both witnesses.

Can NotarySpace draft my will?2023-08-12T18:12:16+00:00

No, as of right now, we can only observe wills; we are unable to draft wills. 

Is a will really necessary?2023-08-12T18:11:19+00:00

Yes, even if they don’t have a lot of assets, everyone should make a will.

Without a will, Ontario law will decide how your inheritance is divided, disregarding whatever preferences you may have had. In order to distribute your estate, your family and loved ones will also need to go through a drawn-out (and occasionally pricey) judicial process. A will ensures that your wishes are honored and spares your loved ones a lot of hassle.

Do I need to have my power of attorney notarized?2023-08-12T18:10:43+00:00

Although notarization of your power of attorney is not legally required, there are plenty of solid reasons to do so.

First off, having your power of attorney notarized gives other parties confidence that the signature is real and the documents are valid. As a result, it is less likely that your power of attorney’s legitimacy will be questioned.

Furthermore, a lot of financial organizations, including banks, won’t accept powers of attorney for property unless they are notarized. We advise you to contact your bank for more information if you are unsure of the criteria.

Does my power of attorney require a notary certificate?2023-08-12T18:09:45+00:00

The circumstances under which your power of attorney was signed and attested are detailed in a notarial certificate. Your power of attorney is lawful without a notarial certificate because it is not legally required to have one.

What exactly is a will?2023-08-12T18:09:19+00:00

An individual’s estate, or their property, possessions, and other personal belongings are outlined in their will, a legal document.

Does the apostille work at Notary Space?2023-08-12T18:08:56+00:00

Apostille procedures are not carried out in Canada. Instead, Canada uses a procedure similar to apostille called authentication and legalization.

Does Notary Space provide services for legalization and authentication?2023-08-12T18:06:30+00:00

Yes, Notary Space provides all three steps notarization, authentication, and legalization in a single location. 

What are legalization and authentication?2023-08-12T18:06:08+00:00

Documents notarized in Canada are valid for use outside of Canada after being authenticated and legalized. It functions similarly to an apostille.

What exactly is “notarization”?2023-08-12T18:05:48+00:00

 NotarySpace certifies the authenticity of the signatures, marks, or copies on a document by “notarizing” it. The notary signs the paper and seals it to complete the notarization process.

What does affidavit mean?2023-08-12T18:05:14+00:00

A written sworn factual declaration delivered under oath or affirmation is known as an affidavit.

What does a commissioner for affidavits and oaths do?2023-08-12T18:04:51+00:00

Affidavits and declarations can be taken by commissioners for taking oaths by having you swear or affirm that the information contained in the document is accurate. All notaries in Ontario are also commissioners! The Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act governs the appointment of commissioners.

A statutory declaration is what?2023-08-12T18:04:35+00:00

In order to satisfy a legal or regulatory obligation, a person may declare something to be true in a statutory declaration, which is a type of legal document.

A certified true copy is what?2023-08-12T18:04:08+00:00

A Notaryspace stamp confirming that a copy of a document is an exact replica of the original is known as a certified true copy.

I need a certified true copy of a document that has been notarized by a Canadian notary but I’m outside of Canada. Can Notary Space assist you?2023-08-12T18:03:16+00:00

We can, yes! Your papers can be mailed to Notary Space in Canada. Your document will be notarized by us, and we’ll ship it back to you after. Get in touch with us for further details.

What kind of papers can be notarized or certified as true copies with NotarySpace?2023-08-12T18:02:59+00:00

Almost any document, including marriage certificates, death certificates, wills, birth certificates, diplomas, degrees, and passports, can have certified authentic copies notarized by our office. Keep in mind that to compare the original document to the copy, we must be able to see the original.

Can Notaryspace notarize papers for use in a different province or country?2023-08-12T18:02:40+00:00

Documents that will be utilized in another province or nation can typically be notarized here. But before they may be used in another nation, your notarized documents might need to be validated and legalized. Contact the consulate or embassy of the nation where the notarized documents will be used if you are unsure of the requirements.

For the sale and purchase of property, does Notary Space draught real estate documents?2023-08-12T18:02:18+00:00

In Ontario and other countries, we can notarize real estate documents for the sale or purchase of property; but, notaries in Ontario are not permitted to prepare and write real estate documents. In Ontario, a real estate lawyer is required to prepare all real estate papers.

Which forms of identification are accepted?2023-08-12T17:57:11+00:00

Any legitimate government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s licence or passport, is acceptable. We can also take two pieces of government-issued non-photo identification, such as a birth certificate or social security card, if you don’t have this type of identification.

Who must attend the NotarySpace appointment?2023-08-12T17:56:37+00:00

If a signature needs to be notarized, the signer of the document must appear at the scheduled notary appointment and sign in the notary’s presence.

Can you serve as my commissioner for administering oaths?2023-08-12T17:55:38+00:00

Yes, every notary on NotarySpace is also a commissioner for affidavits and oaths, and they may assist you with any document that calls for a commissioner.

Can a document that has already been signed be notarized by NotarySpace?2023-08-12T17:55:03+00:00

By law, the notary must witness your signature on the document before they can notarize it. As a result, we are unable to notarize a document that has already been signed.

Is NotarySpace’s work backed by a guarantee?2023-08-12T17:50:37+00:00

When notarizing your documents, NotarySpace promises that if we make a mistake, we will redo the notarization or commissioning at no additional charge. However, it is your responsibility to make sure you are using the right form and comprehend its specifications. You must also make sure that all of your paperwork and documentation are correctly and completely filled out.

What other languages do you provide notarial services in?2023-09-29T03:12:39+00:00

At Notaryspace, we are committed to accommodating the diverse needs of our clients. Currently, our notarial services are offered in both English and Arabic, ensuring that we can effectively assist a wide range of individuals and businesses. We understand that language can be a crucial factor when it comes to legal and notarial services, and our bilingual capabilities allow us to cater to a broader audience.

Moreover, our dedication to providing comprehensive notarial services extends beyond language proficiency. We take pride in our ability to handle a variety of document types, from legal contracts to affidavits, and ensure that all notarized documents meet the necessary legal requirements. Our team of experienced notaries is here to serve you with professionalism and accuracy, regardless of the language in which your documents are presented.

If you require notarial services in a language other than English or Arabic, please don’t hesitate to contact us. While our primary languages are English and Arabic, we are always open to discussing your specific needs and exploring options to meet your requirements. Your satisfaction and the authenticity of your documents are our top priorities.


Does NotarySpace provide services for drafting real estate documents in the context of property sale and purchase?2023-09-28T21:44:08+00:00

NotarySpace is a valuable resource for facilitating the sale and purchase of properties, offering a range of services related to real estate transactions. However, it’s essential to clarify the specific roles and responsibilities of NotarySpace in the process, especially in the context of Ontario, Canada, and other countries.

NotarySpace does not draft or prepare real estate documents in Ontario or in various other jurisdictions. In Ontario, the process of creating, drafting, and writing real estate documents, including contracts, agreements, and legal paperwork associated with property transactions, falls under the domain of qualified real estate lawyers.

In Ontario, notaries primarily notarize documents by verifying signatures and confirming identities, but they are not authorized to draft real estate documents, which demands property law expertise.

Can Notaryspace notarize papers for use in a different province or country?2023-09-29T03:08:31+00:00

Notaryspace, a reputable notary service provider, can assist you in notarizing documents for use in different provinces or countries. However, it’s crucial to recognize that notarization alone may not suffice for international use. Let’s dive deeper into the process:

Notarization Process

Notary public services, including Notaryspace, possess the authority to authenticate signatures and documents. When you visit a notary, they will verify your identity, witness the document signing, and affix their seal and signature to confirm its validity.

International Use

While many countries and provinces accept notarized documents from other jurisdictions, requirements can vary widely. Some documents may require additional steps like authentication or legalization, contingent on the destination country’s legal framework.

Validation and Legalization

Before using notarized documents abroad, they may need further steps like validation and legalization. This entails obtaining approval from the destination country’s government or consulate, with precise requirements varying by country.

Consult Consulate or Embassy

To ensure recognition of your notarized documents in a foreign jurisdiction, we strongly recommend reaching out to the consulate or embassy of the country of use. They can provide specific requirements and assist with validation and legalization if necessary.


In certain instances, translating documents into the destination country’s official language may be necessary. The translated version may also require notarization and legalization.

In summary, Notaryspace can facilitate notarization, but using your documents in another province or country may entail additional steps like validation and legalization. It’s vital to research and adhere to the destination’s specific requirements for legal recognition, often best achieved by contacting the consulate or embassy.

I need a certified true copy of a document that has been notarized by a Canadian notary but I’m outside of Canada Can NotarySpace assist me?2023-09-29T03:46:32+00:00

We can, yes. Send us your original document, and we will make a certified true copy and return it to you after having notarized it. Get in touch with us for further details.

What exactly is NotarySpace2023-09-29T03:52:29+00:00

NotarySpace is a platform or service that provides notarial services, which are legal services performed by notaries public. Notaries public are authorized individuals who can administer oaths, affirmations, and declarations, as well as verify and authenticate various documents and signatures. These services are essential for ensuring the legality, authenticity, and accuracy of documents in various legal and administrative contexts.

Notary services provided by NotarySpace may include:

Administering Oaths and Affirmations

Notaries can have individuals swear or affirm that the information contained in a document is true and accurate. This is often required for legal affidavits and declarations.

Verifying Signatures

Notaries can confirm the authenticity of signatures on documents, ensuring that they were made by the individuals they claim to represent.

Certifying Copies of Documents

Notaries can certify that a copy of a document is an exact replica of the original. This certification, often referred to as a “certified true copy,” is legally recognized and is used when the original document cannot be presented.

Notaries public are typically appointed and regulated by government authorities, and their role is to serve as impartial witnesses to various legal and official proceedings. In the case of the information you provided, notaries in the jurisdiction where NotarySpace operates are chosen by the Ministry of the Attorney General, which is a government department responsible for legal matters and the administration of justice.

NotarySpace, as a platform or service, likely connects individuals and businesses with notaries public who can provide these essential notarial services, making it more convenient for people to access the expertise of notaries when needed for various legal and administrative purposes.

A certified true copy is what?2023-09-29T03:34:52+00:00

A Notaryspace stamp confirming that a copy of a document is an exact replica of the original is known as a certified true copy.

It serves as an official confirmation that a copy of a document is an exact and faithful replica of the original. This certification holds immense significance in various legal, administrative, and professional contexts.

At Notaryspace, our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity means that each certified true copy we provide undergoes a rigorous verification process. We meticulously compare the copy with the original to ensure an exact replica, affixing our official seal and certification to the document.

Whether you require certified true copies for legal matters, academic pursuits, professional licensing, or any other purpose, Notaryspace is your trusted partner in ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of your important documents. Our expert notaries are dedicated to assisting you in meeting your specific document verification needs with precision and reliability.

What kind of papers can be notarized or certified as true copies with NotarySpace?2023-09-29T03:18:31+00:00

NotarySpace offers a comprehensive range of notarial and certification services, ensuring that a wide variety of documents can be notarized or certified as true copies with utmost precision and professionalism. We understand that authenticity and legal validity are paramount when it comes to these documents. Here’s a list of some of the types of papers and documents that we can assist you with:

  • Marriage Certificates: If you need to notarize or certify a copy of your marriage certificate for legal or administrative purposes, NotarySpace is here to provide the necessary authentication.
  • Birth Certificates: Whether for immigration purposes, school enrollment, or other official requirements, we can notarize or certify copies of birth certificates to verify their authenticity.
  • Diplomas and Degrees: Educational credentials are often required for various purposes. We offer notarial services to certify copies of diplomas and degrees, making them suitable for official use.
  • Passports: Passport copies may be needed for travel or identification purposes. Our notarial services can help ensure the accuracy and authenticity of these copies.
  • Death Certificates: In the event of dealing with estates, insurance claims, or other legal matters, we can notarize or certify copies of death certificates, ensuring their accuracy and legality.

It’s important to note that in order to notarize or certify a document as a true copy, we must have access to the original document. This allows us to compare the original with the copy to confirm its accuracy. At NotarySpace, we take pride in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in all notarial and certification services. Rest assured that your documents will be handled with the utmost care and diligence to meet your specific legal and administrative needs.”



What are your fees?2023-08-12T03:18:43+00:00

The initial notarization costs $35.95 and includes the notary’s stamp and signature.

What must I bring with me to my appointment?2023-09-28T14:34:01+00:00

When preparing for your appointment with a notary, it is essential to ensure that you have all the necessary items and documents to facilitate a smooth and efficient process. Here’s a detailed expansion of what you should bring to your appointment with a notary:

Prepare Ahead: Ensuring a Smooth Notary Public Appointment


You are required to bring identification to your notary appointment. You have two options:

  • One Valid Government-Issued ID: This could be a driver’s license, passport, or any other government-issued identification card that includes your photograph, name, and signature. This serves as proof of your identity and is essential for notarizing your documents, or;
  • Two Pieces of Non-Photo Identification: In the absence of a valid photo ID, you can bring two pieces of non-photo identification documents, such as a social security card, birth certificate, utility bill, or bank statement. These documents collectively help establish your identity.


The Documents Requiring Notarization: Make sure to bring all the paperwork that you need to notarize. This includes contracts, legal agreements, affidavits, deeds, wills, or any other documents that require the notary’s official seal and signature to certify their authenticity.

Printing Services

If you require printing services for your documents, it’s essential to inform the notary ahead of time. Ensuring that your documents are ready for notarization can save time during your appointment.

Signing Documents

Although you may have diligently prearranged your documentation beforehand, it is of paramount importance to abstain from affixing your signature prior to the scheduled notary appointment. The notary’s role encompasses the critical function of bearing witness to your signature within the context of the notarial process. Therefore, it is imperative to desist from signing any documents in advance of the appointment.

Certified True Copies

For certified true copies, bring both the original document and the copies needing certification. The notary will verify them against the original, then seal and sign them for confirmation.

Prepare Ahead: Ensuring a Smooth Notary Public Appointment

Careful preparation of your documents prior to your notary appointment expedites the notarization process. Engaging in proactive communication with the notary about specific requirements or questions in advance ensures a smooth experience.

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